Budding actors, film directors and scriptwriters from Bicester are encouraged to enter the Bicester Schools Film Festival sponsored by Countryside Properties (Bicester) Ltd, the developer of Kingsmere.

The festival is open to primary and secondary students from across the Bicester Partnership of Schools and gives students the opportunity to develop, star in and produce short films on any subject they like. The deadline for the submission of films is 6 June, after which all films will be judged by representatives from the Film Club. Winners will be announced at the Gala Award Ceremony held on 3 July at the Vue Cinema in Bicester.

In 2013 more than 750 students were involved in producing films that were submitted to the Festival. Students are involved in all aspects of creating the films and submissions include animations, dramas and documentaries. Classes from foundation stage through to Key Stage 3 are encouraged to participate, with an overall award for Best Film and Best Animation.

Andrew Carrington, Director, Countryside Properties (Bicester) Ltd comments: “We are proud to sponsor the Bicester Schools Film Festival as it gives students a fabulous hands-on opportunity to have a go at film making. It is a fun thing to do during the summer term, but it is also a great exercise in team work and creativity. Any schools that wish to take part should hurry as the deadline for submissions is looming. Good luck to everyone who enters the festival and we can’t wait to see the results of their hard work.”

Greg Stagnell co-ordinator of Bicester Film Festival: “We are very pleased to have the continuing support of Countryside Properties (Bicester) through their sponsorship of the Bicester Schools’ Film Festival. Their support enables us to provide a wonderful and exciting learning opportunity for young people in Bicester. As well as helping to develop a range of skills – co-operation and teamwork, discussion, planning, critical thinking, problem-solving to list a few – it’s also highly engaging and motivating as well as being great fun!”

For full information on the Bicester Schools Film Festival and how to take part, visit: http://www.bicesterfilmfestival.org.uk/
