Outline planning permission was granted on the 27 June 2008 (planning application reference number 06/00967/OUT) for :-
- 1,585 dwellings
- A Health village containing various health related uses (2.69 hectares)
- Employment uses (2 hectares)
- A hotel (1 hectare)
- A local centre comprising small scale shops, a community centre and possibly some other facilities such as a pub or restaurant,
- 1 primary school
- 1 secondary school
- Formal open space including a sports pavilion and playing pitches
- Areas of informal open space
- A new by-pass or Perimeter Road linking the A41 to Middleton Stoney Road at the Howes Lane junction
The development will also provide for a large number of affordable housing units.
Please refer to the supporting documents below for the approved masterplan and key outline application documents.
Further information regarding the community facilities that will be provided on the site is available on the Community Facilities page.
A Design Code has also been approved for the site. This can also be viewed in the supporting documents below. The Kingsmere Design Code as a material consideration when determining Reserved Matters applications within Kingsmere. The Design Code contains mandatory design and development coding which any development on site must comply with. It also contains further detailed design guidance which all developers on site should have due regard to.
Kingsmere is being developed in a number of phases (see the New Homes page). Individual developers are required to submit Reserved Matters applications to the Local Planning Authority, Cherwell District Council, to obtain approval for the detailed design and layout of those parcels. Please refer to the Planning Application page for details of those applications submitted to the Council to date.
A Residential Travel Plan has been produced for this site. This document has been produced as a tool to try and reduce the use of and reliance upon the car, and to encourage the residents of Kingsmere to use other forms of transport i.e. walking, cycling, bus and rail travel. Various measures are contained within the Travel Plan to try and achive this. Please refer to the supporting documents below for a copy of this document. Countryside Properties (Bicester) Ltd has employed a Travel Plan Co-ordinator. He/She will implement and manage the Residential Travel Plan and ensure that it’s objectives and targets are successfully achieved.
Contact details are on the Contacts page. People resident on the site/thinking of moving to the site can use this contact to find out about travelling and the public transport services in the area. A local walking map is also available on the supporting documents below.
For the latest news on the development of Kingsmere, including construction progress and the opening of community facilities, please refer to the Development News page/links.
Supporting Documents
Planning statement – part 1
Planning statement – part 2
Kingsmere EMP
Approved Master Plan
Design and Access
Design Code
Public Open Space Plan
Public Consultation Strategy
Public Open Space Plan
Proposals Plan – Character Areas
Proposals Plan – Landscape Biodiversity Water Archaeology
Proposals Plan – Layout and Development Parameters
Proposals Plan – Phasing Plan